East Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement
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Eastern Wisconsin
Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative
718 West First Street, Waldo WI 53093 + 800-439-1317

Production Management

AgSource DHI and DHIR members receiving paper reports have three options for monthly Production Management Reports listing individual cow data. They can receive the Production Report, the Sample Day and Lactation Report or the Barn Report. They also can opt for more than one Production Management Report for an additional charge. Individual Cow Reports (ICRs) are optional reports that provide a history for each cow.

Production Report
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The Production Report provides a $Value calculation based on the cows Expected or Actual 305 day production that is not available on the other Production Management Reports. In the far right side of the Reproductive Status column, the number on top is the number of times that cow has been bred. If there is a P below it, this cow has been confirmed pregnant and recorded with AgSource. If an E is in this column, the cow has past 90 days since her last breeding and has not been recorded as confirmed pregnant.

Sample Day and Lactation Report
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The Sample Day and Lactation Report contains six months of Somatic Cell Count (SCC) information versus only one month on the other Production Management report options. In addition, this report provides Management Level Milk (MLM) data for all cows between 6 and 305 days in milk along with Linear Score (LSCR) information for each milking cow. In the far right side of the Reproductive Status column, the number on top is the number of times that cow has been bred. If there is a P below it, this cow has been confirmed pregnant and recorded with AgSource. If an E is in this column, the cow has past 90 days since her last breeding and has not been recorded as being confirmed pregnant.

Barn Report
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The Barn Report is designed to provide basic information in large print in an uncluttered environment with no "over-under" columns.

Individual Cow Reports (ICR)
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Individual Cow Reports (ICRs) are optional reports available monthly, at the end of lactation, or when the cow leaves the herd. These reports provide a wealth of information on each cow. Genetic indexes, lactation, calving and reproductive history along with her lactation curve and her Linear Score trend from the most recent lactation are provided.


Send mail to gschmahl@ewdhic.org with questions or comments about this web site.
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