East Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement
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Eastern Wisconsin
Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative
718 West First Street, Waldo WI 53093 + 800-439-1317


Leukosis (Bovine Leukosis Virus), is a blood borne viral infection which can cause tumours in the lymph nodes, uterus, heart, abomasums, spleen, kidneys and brain. The disease is spread by transfer of blood cells from infected animals via such sources as re-use of contaminated equipment, colostrum and waste milk and transmission to the calf before it is born.

Clinical symptoms caused by resulting tumors include weight loss, decreased milk production and immobility.

Impact on profitability of a herd includes reduced milk production in infected cows and condemned meat at slaughter, as well as potential costs associated with lost marketing opportunities such as the sale of replacement stock, bulls to AI or embryos, domestically and to international markets.

There is no suspected link between Leukosis and any human disease.


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