East Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement
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Eastern Wisconsin
Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative
718 West First Street, Waldo WI 53093 + 800-439-1317


Service and Report Options
Eastern Wisconsin DHIC DHI options feature the flexibility to meet the needs of everyone from the largest commercial dairy operation to organic sheep producers. Combining the efforts of the best researchers with member feedback, Eastern Wisconsin DHIC's cutting edge reports reflect AgSource/CRI's Mission Statement of providing products that maximize the profitability of members and customers worldwide.

Internet Products and Services
The Internet has changed the way companies do business. Eastern Wisconsin DHIC has taken the lead in using the Internet for delivering diverse DHI products that make members money and make nutritionists, veterinarians and others that work with Eastern Wisconsin DHIC members more effective.

Herd Management Products
Through their DHI Field Technicians, Eastern Wisconsin DHIC members have access to a wide range of herd management products which can be used in their daily routines to improve profitability.

Dairy Records Processing Center
DHI providers used to be state organizations that operated within predetermined borders. But today, with Eastern Wisconsin DHIC's dynamic personal computer based processing system and electronic communication, producers anywhere in the world can receive Eastern Wisconsin DHIC's leading edge information. From eye-appealing color reports to unique information not offered by any other processing center, AgSource is the industry leader.

DHI Laboratory
Eastern Wisconsin DHIC's DHI milk testing laboratory in Waldo Wis., combines modern equipment with a highly-trained, professional staff to deliver accurate results and fast turnaround. If your DHI needs a back-up laboratory while doing maintenance, a DHI laboratory with MUN capability, or a laboratory to do all of your organization's DHI milk testing, Eastern Wisconsin DHIC has exactly what you need.


Send mail to gschmahl@ewdhic.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009 DiMan Systems Last modified: Jan 24 2013